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Discover stories of resilience and compassion that ignite your passion for humanitarian aid. Explore the incredible journeys of those we’ve helped and find inspiration to make a difference.


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Your generosity fuels our mission. Contribute to the Stychno Humanitarian Foundation and transform lives in crisis-stricken areas. Every donation brings us closer to creating miracles for those in need.


Become a Volunteer

Join our dedicated team of volunteers and be a part of real change. Whether it’s lending a hand on the ground or supporting our initiatives remotely, your time and skills can have a profound impact.


Help The Children

Empower the future by supporting our efforts of a charitable foundation for education to provide children in distress with shelter, education, and hope. Together, we can create a brighter tomorrow for these young lives.

About the Founder

Dr. Nestor A. Stychno, a compassionate visionary, draws from personal experience as a refugee who fled the horrors of World War II in Ukraine. Having witnessed the atrocities and suffering as a young child, he embarked on a mission to make a difference. As a successful doctor in America, a land of unparalleled opportunities, he founded the Stychno Humanitarian Foundation in 2023 – a humanitarian aid organization to extend a lifeline to those less fortunate, driven by a profound desire to prevent history from repeating its darkest chapters.

humanitarian aid organization
Charity with a Mission

The Stychno Humanitarian Foundation Mission

We are steadfastly committed to providing compassionate aid to communities and individuals adversely affected or displaced by natural disasters, as well as, war and similar conflicts. Our mission is driven by the unwavering belief that every person, regardless of their circumstances, deserves access to essentials and the opportunity for a brighter future. Through fundraising and strategic initiatives, we strive to fund essential goods and services that make a positive and lasting impact, offering hope and healing in times of crisis. Our founder’s journey as a refugee during World War II serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of our mission, spurring us onward to create a world where kindness and compassion prevail. Together, we work tirelessly to turn the tide of suffering into a wave of support and recovery, one community at a time.

A beacon of hope in times of darkness, we are a dedicated team of compassionate individuals united by a shared purpose – to alleviate the suffering of communities and people adversely affected by natural disasters, war, or similar conflicts.

Dr. Nestor A. Stychno

Our Recent Causes

Driving meaningful change through targeted initiatives.

Feed Hungry Children

In our commitment at charitable organization for children to combating childhood hunger, we strive to provide nourishment and hope to young lives facing adversity, one meal at a time.

Our Goal: $10,000 100%

Provide Education For the Poor

Education is a gateway to a brighter future. We champion the cause of providing quality education to underprivileged children, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty.

Our Goal: $20,000 100%

Provide Medical Care

Access to healthcare is a fundamental right. Through our medical care initiatives, we aim to bring healing and relief to those lacking essential healthcare services, promoting well-being and resilience in vulnerable communities.

Our Goal: $12,000 100%

Mission & Goals

Guiding our purpose and aspirations to create a better world for all.


Homeless Children


Medical Facilities


Education For All


Love Your World


Save Water Food



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Our Recent Events

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7 Food Drive Donation Box Ideas for Hungry Kids

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10 Ways to Help the Poor for Every Homeless Person

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